Yellow, Yellow, Everywhere: Dandelions

These little weeds spread rapidly through the yard…and the neighbor’s yard…and all around the block if they’re allowed to get even the slightest foothold. The familiar yellow flowers can crowd out grass and create a patchy, problematic lawn. And these rotten little perennials will only grow larger from year to year if you let them.

Dandelions bloom in the spring and fall, with yellow flowers turning into white seed heads that release their airborne seeds in the slightest breeze. With airborne seeds capable of traveling for miles, it’s impossible to eliminate dandelions altogether, especially if your neighbors’ lawns are infested. However, the good news is that you can easily target and remove individual dandelion plants in your yard before they spread further.

Although dandelions start popping up when the weather turns nice, but the most effective time to really kill them in your lawn is in fall because that’s when plants are taking nutrients down into their roots. That’s why we apply a broadleaf herbicide in spring, fall and through out the year. Your weeds will take the toxin down to their very roots, slowly killing them completely. After that, your lawn shall return to a lush green it deserves!